Tag Archive | plàstica

VaDePlastica: 2ESO: los mundos de coraline

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Enganxats a l’animació amb stop motion?? Aquí teniu un vídeo bastant interessant de com es va fer ” els mundos de coraline” animació amb pastelina i Stop motion. El director de la peli es Henry Selick, que també va realitzar “pesadilla antes …
Via vdp2so.blogspot.com

Tux Paint

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Tux Paint is a free, award-winning drawing program for children ages 3 to 12 (for example, preschool and K-6). It combines an easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who guides children as they use the program. Kids are presented with a blank canvas and a variety of drawing tools to help them be creative. (See the full list of features.)
Via tuxpaint.org

Educació i les TIC: Go!Animate: creant seqüencies audiovisuals

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Go!Animate: creant seqüencies audiovisuals. Avui he descobert Go!Animate, un espai web que ens premetrà crear les nostres seqüències audiovisuals en format de dibuixos animats. Aquesta aplicació és totalment gratuïta, …
Via educacioilestic.blogspot.com

Doodle Art, Explore the magic of the doodle!

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Learn and explore the fun of Doodle Art through coloring pages, games, activities and much more.
Via www.doodle-art-alley.com

#stripcreator allows users to create and save their own comic strips #edtech20

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This topic is curated by Lucian http://bit.ly/Lucian20 founder of #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project http://tiny.cc/edtech20 and if you like this post share and comment and also kindly I invite you to join free this project here http://tiny.cc/docedtech20 and follow https://twitter.com/#!/web20education Also join our facebook page here http://tinyurl.com/edtech20facebook and our PLN http://web20ineducation2010.ning.com/ . Also I write when I don’t tweet and curate in gr8 blogs here http://weblist.me/curation and I invite you to join free and add your feedback on our 2 groups : on voxopop group http://www.voxopop.com/group/c1d01502-e7a4-42f2-9fcd-9468a29f04ab and P2PU. #EDTECH20 GROUP http://p2pu.org/en/groups/edtech20-curation-and-semantic-project-for-teacher/ Stripcreator is a website that allows users to create and save their own comic strips. It officially went online January 6th, 2001.
Via www.stripcreator.com

Dan Awesome’s Rage Maker

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This is a simple tool for creating comics. It’s great for developing simple stories and doesn’t requite any login or registration.
Via www.ragemaker.net